Monday, October 2, 2017

5 Signs You Are Lacking Protein


Protein is essential for living organisms. It gives us energy, helps our bodies recover, and keeps our tummies satisfied. Protein is composed of long-chain amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle.

Protein helps to perform several bodily functions right. We need to eat a well balanced diet to function optimally throughout the day. Our bodies need a combination of carbohydrates, healthy fats and protein to insure we maintain good health.

Why Protein Is So Important?

Protein is the building block of yourself. It’s the building block of your muscles and also is present in the foods that are going to boost your metabolism and fat-burning potential. Nothing is more important than protein. It really is the fuel that motivates and really supports your body in building healthy tissues and cells.

What exactly are proteins?

Proteins are considered long chains of amino acids, which are the important molecules we get from our diet. Amino acids can be found in many different types of foods, even vegetables, but the highest sources are those that come from animals – like meat, dairy, eggs and fish – plus to a lesser extent certain plant foods like beans and seeds.

How would you know if you’re protein deficient?

Below are some symptoms that can be related to inadequate protein. Keep in mind that as with any nutrient deficiency, symptoms can have other causes, so this is a general list and not to be used to self-diagnose.

1. Shortness of breath

One of the issues you may face is a shortness of breath. This can be caused by a lack of energy. We build this energy through our cells that metabolize food to support healthy cells and tissues in your body. When these cells do not receive this energy you may feel sluggish, this can result in a number of health problems. When you eat a fat packed diet, you might feel lightheaded. The lack of energy is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue.

2. Increased appetite

Do you feel hungry shortly after eating? These hunger signs can be indicated by what you are eating. The increase in appetite is the result of low protein diet.So when hunger strikes, instead of carbohydrate rich foods, have a granola bar, nuts or fruit. This will help you to feel full and eat less calorie laden foods. Also make sure to drink pleanty of water, we often confuse thirst with hunger.

3. Lower immunity

Your body needs protein to be strong and to keep your body safe to ward off infections. So when you do not get enough proteins, your body has a hard time coping with germs and infections, which results in lower immunity and you tend to fall sick on a regular basis.
 4. Sugar cravings
You will also experience increased sugar cravings. You will have these cravings in between your meal. Always eat protein at every meal so that you satiate hunger and stabilize sugar. This will also ward off the mid meal cravings.

5. Hair loss

Occasionally nutritionists will test the health of their clients’ diets by asking them to run their hands through their hair to see how much falls out with just a gentle tug. Hair is made primarily of protein; your hair needs adequate protein to grow and stay healthy. If the body is deprived of protein from your diet, it will try to conserve protein levels as much as it can and shift hair growth into a “resting phase”. This means you may find yourself shedding more hair than usual. Maintain a healthy mane by eating two to three servings of protein a day, like these high-protein lunches.

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