are as humans, considered at times to be very helpless and wretched
beings. So often during our lives, are
subject to great calamities and misfortunes. Unable to prevent or foresee
dangers and unforeseen casualties, we continue our quest in search of what the future holds in store for each of us.
are without any doubt constantly under the care of our Creator, and in His
hands can rest assured of His never-failing
love, which will guide us, lead us through whatever turmoil we enter, if only
we would ask it of Him. Our Creator, the Almighty Living God, knows our
needs and is always ready to answer our petition.
a firm reliance on our Creator for the blessing and conveniences of life
requires a certain trust in Him for deliverance
from all dangers and difficulties, which may befall us.
with this disposition of mind creates a comforting peace and joyful existence. When a person continually
renews his mind with the Word of God, changes over a period, will occur in their
life. Wisdom, knowledge and a powerful conservative
state of mind will surpass a depressive, dark and troubled soul.
our lives easier for us, we need to heed the commandment to put our Trust in
our Creator, who is able to relieve and protect us. Reaping the benefits of
every Divine element and losing our own inadequacy in the fullness of absolute protection. The future will become
clearer and we will have the foresight of the Omniscience of Him, who supports us.
being motivated by His promises and the most powerful one is,
will not forsake thee or fail thee."
consequential instruction, we all need to heed is,
in the Lord with all thine heart and lead not onto
thy own understanding."
such a great promise and following the instruction of trusting in the Lord can
only have significant benefits. A person,
who without hesitation acts with this knowledge when confronted by any danger
or turmoil, will undoubtedly succor to success.
in the Lord and his promise will give confidence and radiate a joy for others
to see. Over time, your joy and faith in the promise of the Lord will become
natural and your life will benefit from the ongoing success and joy
experienced. Believing, and having faith without doubting the promise will ensure great joy.
this faith and trust in the Creator at the end of one's life will give
confidence of the One, who has conducted,
guided and lead us through all stages of life, and will be with us and guide
and comfort us in the progress of
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