Friday, July 12, 2024



 My latest Ebook for sale on Amazon - 





 I did not use AI to help -   it's my own work.....

Herewith a little preview........

"Alone and terrified, Betty clung to Dan's body, seeking comfort in his presence. As the darkness of night descended, the sound of approaching sirens grew louder, signaling the arrival of law enforcement and medical responders. The scene they were rushing toward was one of tragedy and devastation.

As the first police car screeched to a halt, officers quickly emerged, their uniforms a beacon of authority in the dimming light. They fanned out, their movements purposeful and efficient, scanning the area with flashlights for any signs of danger or evidence.

Following closely behind, the ambulance arrived, its urgent arrival marked by the blare of sirens. Paramedics leaped into action, their training evident in the swift and coordinated manner in which they approached the scene. Carrying their medical equipment with practiced ease, they assessed the situation, ready to administer aid to those in need.

The scene buzzed with activity, the flashing lights of emergency vehicles casting an eerie glow. Radios crackled with updates as police and medics worked seamlessly together, their shared goal of preserving life and restoring order guiding their every move. Despite the chaos, there was a sense of calm determination among the responders as they worked tirelessly to unravel the tragedy that had unfolded.

Amid the flashing lights and hushed murmurs of onlookers, a tense atmosphere enveloped the scene. Police officers worked diligently to secure the area, interviewing witnesses and gathering evidence to reconstruct the sequence of events. Meanwhile, the medics, realizing the tragic outcome, provided support and comfort to the grieving family and friends.

As time passed, the chaotic scene began to transform. The deceased were respectfully moved to waiting ambulances, while police officers continued their investigation with methodical precision. Despite the somber mood, the professionalism of the responders remained unwavering as they worked to bring closure to the tragic incident."



Hope you support me, and there are other books available as well.




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